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God deeply desires an intimate relationship with me but, in order to more fully participate in this relationship, I must change, be transformed.

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The transformation of “me” will require intention and effort

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The quality and depth of my desire are more important than the effort I make.

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God cares more about my desires than my behaviors.

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With the help and guidance of the Spirit, I can train my body to follow my desires by choosing appropriate disciplines to practice.

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My mind—my thoughts and feelings—are a critical part of the “me” that must also be transformed.

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How I receive “involuntary disciplines,” that is the unplanned events of my life, will determine how they transform me, whether for good or not.

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The most important thing about my journey of transformation is that I invite Jesus to share it with me.

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I cannot make “a new me.” However, I can make an effort to place myself where the Spirit can make “a new me.”

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The result of my ongoing transformation will be increased relational capacity. I will have greater ability to hold deep and healthy relationships with Jesus, and with others.

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The benefit of my transformation is that I will experience more love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, gentleness, self-control, goodness and faithfulness with others, and with Jesus.

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The process of transformation is a journey that takes much time, in fact, a lifetime.

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God’s grace is displayed in His patience with and forgiveness of my “slowness” on the journey.

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God will happily accept responsibility for my transformation if I let Him—He will see that it happens.

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My transformation is not what gets me into heaven, but it does prepare me to enjoy heaven.

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My love for Jesus is shown by the effort I make to be transformed so I can participate in a relationship with Him.

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My love for myself is shown by my desire to give Jesus the “best me I can be.”

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I’ve come to realize that being transformed requires me to let go of many things I’ve become attached to.

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Pain is one of the primary methods the Spirit uses to help me in my transformation.

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My transformation is the natural outcome of a life lived in relationship with Jesus.