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2025/26 Stewards Dates

 Monday April 28th 5pm – Sunday May 4th 10am 2025

 Monday October 20th 5pm – Sunday October 26th 10am 2025

 Monday April 27th 5pm – Sunday May 3th 10am  2026

 Monday October 19th 5pm – Sunday October 25th 10am 2026

Let a person so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.

I Corinthians. 4:1


This program is open to members of all Christian denominations (laity and clergy) who are seeking to cultivate their gifts of spiritual guidance. In the course of this two-year training program, we seek to develop skills of guidance that can respond to the contemporary hunger for spirituality and the search for God, as well as an attentiveness to the movement of the Spirit calling the person to this ministry. The program is offered as a certificate program. This certificate indicates that participants have completed the objectives of this course. The final confirmation of one’s call to minister as a spiritual director is an on-going discernment process for the individual, directees and the larger faith community.

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We see the following as ideal qualifications for this program. Although we realize that not everyone applying will fulfill all of these prerequisites, we will give priority to admitting those who combine most of them. Registration in the program is limited. We are looking for applicants who:

  • Currently have a spiritual director (No one will be accepted who is not presently in spiritual direction)

  • Are mature and have a depth of life experience

  • Have significant experience of personal spiritual direction

  • Are committed to an on-going prayer life and value personal reflection, silence and solitude

  • Can reflect upon and articulate their search for God

  • Are in touch with their own strengths and weaknesses

  • Are approachable, compassionate listeners

  • Possess a sense of call to minister as spiritual companion and have had others seek them as guides

  • Are actively involved and nurtured in a faith community

  • Are endorsed by their faith community in their ministry of spiritual direction (this could include individuals or groups such as a local pastor, prayer group, faith sharing group, members of their congregation)

  • Are open to learning about other religious traditions

  • Have a commitment to life-long learning

  • Have some basic biblical/theological background (this could be in formal academic coursework or less formal studies in such areas as contemporary theology, biblical studies, Christology, etc.)



The program will consist of four semesters. Each semester will be six months in duration and will conclude with a six-day residency. This residency will include instruction by staff and guest presenters. It will also include opportunities to reflect on and experience one’s spiritual journey.

Each participant will be supported throughout the program by a mentor who is experienced in spiritual direction. Prior to each residency, participants will be expected to complete readings (two to three books), participate in a small group online forum with a staff person three to four times, and connect with their mentor by phone or Skype at least three times. There will be short, written assignments throughout the program.



This program in spiritual direction desires to:

  • Develop skills for working with individuals and groups in spiritual direction.

  • Invite participants to grow in self-awareness and in their relationship with God.

  • Explore components, models, definitions and the evolution of spiritual direction.

  • Provide opportunities for participants to learn about & engage in a variety of prayer traditions.

  • Develop communication skills that are foundational components of spiritual direction.

  • Examine discernment as a critical component to spiritual direction.

  • Explore resources within the Christian tradition that are essential to a rich understanding and practice of spiritual direction; such as: scripture, theology, psychology, art, body, music, and technology.

  • Introduce participants to classical and contemporary understandings of the stages and dynamics of spiritual growth and development.

  • Recognize the impact of individual and social contexts in living out a spiritual life.

  • Identify key practical and ethical dimensions of offering spiritual direction.




Kathy McFaul completed the Shalem Training for Spiritual Direction in 2003 while serving as the Director of the Spirituality Ministry Team at the Monastery of St. Gertrude in Cottonwood, Idaho. In that role she provided hospitality for retreatants, facilitated retreats and offered spiritual direction. She co-facilitated “Hearing God’s Voice: A Training Program in Spiritual Direction” through Gonzaga University in Spokane and was adjunct faculty for Mission Centered Education’s spiritual direction formation and training program in Boise, Idaho. She provides spiritual direction and retreat facilitation in Spokane and Idaho and recently retired from a non-profit agency which works to end poverty and homelessness in Spokane. In earlier years, Kathy practiced Poverty Law, representing low-income clients on a broad array of legal issues. 


Hwa Jung (from South Korea) and Daniel (from Denmark) have lived in Morocco for the past 20 years, where they raise their two daughters and are deeply involved in community development. Their work focuses on several key areas, including supporting children with disabilities, agriculture, and most recently, responding to the aftermath of earthquakes. In addition to their community work, they serve as leaders for others engaged in ministry across Morocco.

They are passionate about spiritual formation and have for a number of years been leading cohorts focused on spiritual growth in a cross-cultural context. In 2020, they graduated from the Stewards of the Mystery training program in spiritual direction, and they believe that it is a privilege to walk alongside others on their journey with Jesus—both in group settings and one-on-one. They are especially excited by the ways in which spiritual formation and spiritual direction complement each other in deepening the faith of individuals and communities.


Stephen Reimer is a retired businessman who for nearly all his life has had a passion to resource, encourage, and train leaders in ministry positions. Through the struggles and “dark nights” of his own journey he has grown in his desire to offer opportunities for leaders to grow in their own journey of faith. A graduate of the Renovare Institute for Spiritual Formation, Gonzaga Spiritual Direction training, and Shalem training for Spiritual Direction, Steve has a rich ministry of offering spiritual direction and leading formation retreats. Steve founded Paseo, formerly The Pastor’s Network, a non-profit ministry that offers a three-year journey in formation, both in thought and experience, for leaders in ministry. Steve is passionate about his love for Jesus and guiding others into an authentic relationship with Jesus.




Christi Ortiz is a licensed therapist, spiritual director, and author. She has served as a therapist in a wide array of treatment settings since 2004. She has been a mentor in Gonzaga University’s “Hearing God’s Voice: A Training Program in Spiritual Direction” since 2012 as well as providing courses on Active Listening skills, empathic attunement, self-care, and the practice of Presence and making space. Christi has authored several books on prayer and poetry including, “Dew Drops, Relishing the Moment,” “Encounter, Reflections on the Sacred”, and “This Too Shall Pass”. Christi is passionate about the gift of spiritual accompaniment and listening to that still small Voice. She sees spiritual direction as an essential offering in today’s world and believes that there is no better way to be a catalyst for hope, healing, justice, and peace.


Greg Cochran is Executive Director at a spiritual wellness non-profit, Well for the Journey, in Lutherville, Maryland. He is also a program and retreat facilitator and a spiritual companion. Greg was Associate Pastor at Woodbrook Baptist Church serving from 1988-2022. He completed the Shalem Institute’s Spiritual Guidance Program in 2009 and is currently a staff member of this program. Greg is a graduate of Clemson University and Southern Seminary. Greg and his wife, Carole, live in Baltimore. They have two adult children. Greg is a hiker, photographer, woodworker, and loves being with family – and is always desiring to be open and listening for the invitation of the Spirit.



Throughout the program, Stewards includes many guest presenters on topics ranging from psychology and spiritual direction, the dynamics of loss and grief, theological foundations of spiritual direction, stages of faith, Enneagram and self-awareness, and more.


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Applications for the program are available by contacting Stephen Reimer at:

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The cost for this program will be $6000. Payments are to be made in equal installments of $1500 at least one month prior to the beginning of each semester. The fees include all expenses for residencies (seminars, housing, and meals included) online forums, and books. Travel to and from the residencies is not included. Please inquire for scholarship information.


2020 -2022 Participants and Staff


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