11. The benefit of my transformation is that I will experience more love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, gentleness, self-control, goodness and faithfulness with others, and with Jesus.

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(Before looking at the questions below, take a few minutes to think about this statement. Invite Jesus to speak to you about what He would like you to notice.) 

Which fruit of the Spirit do you most long for in your life today?

What fruit do you have the most of already?

Spend some time reflecting on the stories of Jesus’ life and how you see the fruit of the Spirit manifested in Jesus.

If this fruit comes from the Spirit, what can you do to you receive it?

Are you ever tempted to substitute something for this fruit in your life? If so, what?

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. There are few verses in Scripture that speak to the benefit of transformation as well as these verses from Galatians 5:22/23 (NIV). These verses tell us that

our transformation is the work of the Spirit and not of ourselves. It brings goodness and abundance to us. It is not about material possessions but about spiritual and emotional goodness. It is experienced and developed in the context of relationships and is available to us in the life we live today.

The Spirit-fruit of goodness contains all that any person could desire. We may at times pursue material possessions, pleasure, positions of power and control, but beneath all these pursuits lies a deeper longing for peace, for joy and for love. This verse teaches us that not only does God’s Spirit want this goodness for us, but it is only the Spirit who can deliver these longings.

The pursuit of material satisfaction is simply a misguided attempt to gain what only God can give. If we truly want the rich fruit that the Spirit gives, then we must pursue the Spirit, desire and develop a relationship with Jesus, and let the fruit happen. If we want apples, we plant an apple tree and let nature provide us with apples. We tend the tree, water and care for it, but we wait for it to produce its fruit. So too,

if we want the abundance that Jesus offers us, we pursue a relationship with Jesus, tend this relationship, train our souls to participate in this relationship, and wait for the Spirit to produce in us the fruit we desire. This is how transformation happens. This is the fruit that God desires for us. This is what we set our hearts on and trust that God will provide.