8. The most important thing about my journey of transformation is that I invite Jesus to share it with me.

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(Before looking at the questions below, take a few minutes to think about this statement. Invite Jesus to speak to you about what He would like you to notice.) 

How would you describe the difference between the following types of prayer: asking Jesus to forgive your sins and asking Him to join you in your life here on earth?

How do you feel about the idea of Jesus joining you, being an “always present” person, in your life?

How could this be uncomfortable for you?

How could this be good for you?

How do you think Jesus feels about this idea?

Asking Jesus to share our lives with us is an important idea that needs to be explored, reinforced, and included in every person’s journey of formation. Church efforts at evangelism and discipleship over the past few centuries have often tended to neglect including Jesus as an active participant in the believer’s journey.

There are many approaches to formation that are successful—to an extent—without emphasizing a relationship with Jesus. Even the good and important goal of “Christlikeness” can, ironically, be pursued without an actual relationship with Jesus. We can do things for Jesus and work to become like Jesus, yet still not be with Jesus.

Jesus is not as concerned about our formation as He is in the relationship that we share with Him. Certainly, our journey of formation will make our relationship with Jesus better, more intimate, healthy and mature. But in His life on earth,

Jesus often demonstrated that He was willing to begin a relationship with people without demanding transformation. His disciples are good examples of people that Jesus dearly loved, lived with, journeyed with, enjoyed, and trusted, yet they all abandoned and disowned Him at his arrest.

God’s grace accepts me as I am, sees the “me” I could be, and is delighted to begin a journey with me, without conditions. That’s not to say that transformation is unimportant, only that it must occur within a relationship with Jesus, it is not a program or plan to become like Him.