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My soul is like an iceberg; I only see and know a small part of it.

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Self-awareness can improve my emotional health, and it can also strengthen my spiritual health.

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Besides my real self (the person I really am) I also have a pretend self (the person I imagine myself to be at times), and my true self, (the person I was created to be).

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To experience the abundance of life Jesus promised, I must work to know my real self.

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The most important thing to knowing my real self is my desire.

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The Spirit helps me come to know myself.

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A safe and loving spiritual community is vital for me to grow in self-awareness.

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Knowledge of self and knowledge of God require reflective capacity.

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Spiritual disciplines can help me develop reflective capacity.

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I bring my pretend self to others when I am afraid.

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Keeping up my pretend self is exhausting and destructive.

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For me to have a meaningful relationship with Jesus, I must bring my real self.

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As I bring my real self to Jesus, I experience freedom and healing.

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The Spirit kindly does not force me to confront myself until I am ready.

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Knowledge of God and knowledge of self are interdependent.

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There are many obstacles that keep me from knowing myself.

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I am exceptionally capable of self-deception.

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God’s deepest desire for me is that I become my true self.

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The most beautiful part of me is my emerging true self.

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God’s love for me is not dependent on my self-awareness.

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Self-acceptance is essential for self-awareness.

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Self-awareness and reflective capacity help me see others as God sees them.

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Suffering can be helpful in developing self-awareness.

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Silence and Solitude are essential for me to grow in self-awareness..

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There is no pretending in the Kingdom of God.