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God created me with a unique relational capacity that makes it possible for me to love and be loved by Him.

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My relational capacity includes my personality (how I relate to others) and my spirituality (how I relate to God).

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The way that I connect with God, my spirituality, is unique to me and will in some ways be different than anyone else’s.

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My personality and spirituality, though incomplete and imperfect, can develop and improve.

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The health and maturity of my spirituality determines the quality of my relationship with God.

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Jesus is able to connect with me in spite of my limitations.

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My spiritual activities include “practices” that bring joy to me as I connect with God.

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My spiritual activities include “spiritual disciplines” which are activities that I do because I know that they are good for me and my walk with God.

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My spiritual activities include “laws”; things I do because I believe Jesus asks or commands me to.

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I am finding that laws I once followed out of obedience, have become disciplines, and that some disciplines have become practices.

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My spiritual activities, (laws, disciplines, and practices), work to improve my spirituality, my spiritual health, and my relationship with Jesus.

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I tend to look for others who have similar spiritual activities as I do when I choose my church.

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As I grow in my relationship with Jesus, I find that I appreciate those who have different spiritual activities than I do.

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As I grow in my relationship with Jesus, I find that experiencing Him is as essential as learning about Him.

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I have found that some of my spiritual activities have changed as my relationship with Jesus has developed.

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I have found that making a plan for my spiritual life can be helpful.

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The most important part of my spiritual health plan is noticing my desires.

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Spirit is the member of the Trinity who is most active in my spirituality.

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As I grow in my relationship with Jesus, I am finding that many of my spiritual activities are private.

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As I grow in my relationship with Jesus, I find that my attention is less on my activities and more on Him.