16. I have found that making a plan for my spiritual life can be helpful.

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(Before looking at the questions below, take a few minutes to think about this statement. Invite Jesus to speak to you about what He would like you to notice.) 

How does the idea of making a plan for your spiritual life sound to you?

What could be the benefit of a plan that had details of goals and activities that you desire in your walk with God?

What concerns you about having a plan?

What keeps you from making a plan (if you haven’t already)?

It has been said, “We don’t plan to fail, we just fail to plan.” If we desire to grow in our relationship with Jesus, it will be helpful to have a plan. It has become more and more common for people to create plans for their spiritual growth. Sometimes called a “rule of life” or “rhythm of life,” these plans address areas of a person’s life in which some change or order is desired. 

There are many resources that can guide someone in the development of a plan, but we will give just a few suggestions in this paragraph. A first suggestion is to know the purpose of your plan. Many resources promote plans that address multiple dimensions of a person’s life; spiritual, physical, social, etc. Though not a bad idea, these plans can become extensive and run the danger of becoming overwhelming. A plan that simply addresses the spiritual activities that a person would like to use can be a good place to start. 

The purpose of a plan should be to enhance and deepen one’s experience of and relationship with Jesus. Choosing spiritual activities that address this goal and taking into consideration the uniqueness of one’s own spirituality will provide the best foundation. When creating the plan, begin by becoming aware of what it is that you really desire and long for, in your spiritual journey. 

Desire is an important part of the plan. If instead, we create a plan based on obligation it will be burdensome and difficult to implement

A plan should be simple and doable. Better to start small and have success than to create a masterful document that can’t be accomplished. 

A plan should include accountability. This need not be to another person; it can be a simple as placing the plan where it is noticeable and viewable regularly. 

Plans should be flexible, reviewed often, and adjusted as needed. Many people find it helpful to condense the plan into one theme word they can remember. Typically, a word is chosen for a year, although it can be for longer or shorter periods. If you’ve never created a plan, 

it can be helpful to get advice or guidance from someone who has, or from a spiritual director. This person should be able to listen to your desires, have some sense of what God might want for you, and be able to suggest spiritual activities that could help you achieve your desires. 

Making a plan can be a spiritual activity in itself and can include times of listening to the Spirit’s guidance or invitation to you. It should be done with a sense of lightness and anticipation. The plan is not the goal; we shouldn’t be too “proud” of our plan--the goal is connecting with Jesus and the plan should simply help make that happen.