5. The health and maturity of my spirituality determines the quality of my relationship with God.

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(Before looking at the questions below, take a few minutes to think about this statement. Invite Jesus to speak to you about what He would like you to notice.) 

Do you think there is a difference between spiritual health and spiritual knowledge?

If there is a difference, how would you describe it?

What areas of your spiritual health would like to see grow or improve?

What do you think about the idea that your relationship with God is limited by your spiritual health?

A person’s spirituality includes all of the ways he or she connects with God. Sadly, many people fail to explore and experience ways of meeting Jesus that go beyond the simple activities they experience in church or have been taught to do at home. 

Our spirituality is so vast and diverse that it would be impossible to describe all of the possible ways individuals might connect with God. What is important then is for us to explore, experiment and discover new ways of connecting with God, ways that may be unique to us. The more ways we find to experience God’s presence, and the more we engage in those activities, the more developed our spirituality becomes and the deeper our relationship with God will be. 

How do we explore meaningful activities? Besides the many activities we are taught in church like gathering with other followers of Jesus, learning from those who teach us, privately spending time in God’s Word, engaging in sacraments like communion, service, prayer, tithing, and more, we can also explore less formal activities. 

Ask yourself, “What makes me smile?” or “What gives me a warm sense of goodness?” It might be a sunset, a beautiful scene in nature, an infant’s giggle, children on a playground, a sense of companionship with another, a compliment from someone, a hug, a gift or note of affirmation from someone, a hike or bike ride, a nice meal ,or a glass of wine. The list is endless and will be unique to each person. Not every person will share the same experience in these examples, but all of these can be ways that we might notice God. It might not include much information, but the overall experience leads us to know and experience His love. 

Developing our spiritual health is a process that will never be completed in our lives on earth but there is much that we can learn and discover if we want to. Our desire to connect with God and our efforts to explore our own unique spirituality are essential in this process of discovery. As we become familiar and comfortable with our spirituality, and as we apply this faithfully to connect us to God, we will enjoy an ever-increasing loving relationship with God that surpasses all other pleasures in life.