3. The way that I connect with God, my spirituality, is unique to me and will in some ways be different than anyone else’s. 

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(Before looking at the questions below, take a few minutes to think about this statement. Invite Jesus to speak to you about what He would like you to notice.) 

What are your thoughts about the idea that your way of connecting with God could in some ways be different than anyone else’s?

How does this make you feel?

If it is true, why might God have created you to be unique in your spirituality?

What could this idea say to you about God?

Although there are nearly 8 billion people in the world today, no two people share the same fingerprint. Likewise, each person is created with a unique spirituality, (their inclinations, preferences, and predispositions for connecting with God). We may share many spirituality characteristics with others, but our own spirituality is unique to us. 

No one else’s spirituality is exactly like ours and, because of this, our relationship with God will also be unique and in some ways different than anyone else’s. The implications of this are important. First, we need to understand that we may need to work at exploring our own way of connecting with God and not simply adopt someone else’s way. 

Coming to understand ourselves and discovering our spirituality is a process that requires time, opportunities to experiment, and sometimes the aid of a knowledgeable guide. Second, we need to resist peer pressure to connect with God as we observe others doing. We may experience guilt or feelings of failure if we compare ourselves to others whose spirituality is different than our own. However, 

we owe it to ourselves and God to have the freedom to pursue a relationship with God as best suits ourselves.  Third, we especially need to avoid imposing our spirituality on others. As excited as we may be about our relationship with Jesus, we must understand and respect the spirituality of others and free them to discover their unique way of connecting with Jesus.

God’s greatness is evident is in His ability to connect with every person and meet each in their own uniquely created spirituality. God possess every possible way of connecting, He knows our unique way and He meets us in that way. In the words of the Psalmist we can say, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; (Psalm 139:14 NIV).