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My life with God and relationship with Him is like a journey. It is important for me to be aware of it and keep growing.

The events and happenings of my life are not my spiritual journey. My spiritual journey is how these events shape me and my relationship with God.

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There have been many seasons or stages in my spiritual journey.

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My spiritual journey includes a variety of knowledge about and experiences of God that have led to a deep and lasting relationship with Him.

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One goal of my journey is to grow my relational capacity, that is my ability to hold deep and healthy relationships with others and with Jesus.

My relationship with Jesus may include seasons or stages that correspond to my personal development.

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As I grow and mature in my spiritual life, it will shape and affect all other dimensions of my life.

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God’s love for and delight in me don’t change from one phase to another.

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I do best on my journey when I have a guide.

Being certain about my beliefs isn’t as important as it used to be for me.

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My experiences of deep pain or loss have often led to significant changes in my spiritual life.

I deeply enjoy the moments when I feel God’s loving presence, but the feelings happen less now than before.

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My relationship with Jesus is best when I integrate my inner and outer lives with Him.

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There have been times in my spiritual journey when God seemed absent and I was confused about what was happening.

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My spiritual journey has led to a greater awareness and healing of the diseases of my soul—my need for approval, control, security, and pleasure.

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I’m getting to a place where I can love others when they are in a different stage than I am.

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The farther I go on my spiritual journey the less anxious I am about what happens to me when I die.

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The way Jesus and I communicate with each other has changed during my spiritual journey.

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My relationship with each member of the Trinity has become distinct and personal during my journey.

I have had a few experiences where I felt an incredible delight, a feeling of being totally with God and unaware of my surroundings, a joy that I can’t explain.

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Jesus desires that I help Him guide others on their journey, to become a “journey guide.”