1. My life with God and relationship with Him is like a journey. It is important for me to be aware of it and keep growing.
When you look back on your life, how would you describe your journey so far?
How prepared do you feel for the rest of your journey?
What do you desire that you think would add joy to your journey?
What are the ways that you intentionally evaluate your journey?
How aware are you of the Spirit’s guiding you on your journey?
Who has been or is a guide for you on your journey? If you don’t have a guide, would you like one?
Sometimes the questions we ask are more important than the answers we find. As followers of Jesus, there are different questions to explore such as, “What does the Bible teach us?” “How can I be a good Christian?” “What is God’s plan for my life?” or “What do I need to do to please God?”
But there is also a different kind of question that we can ask: “What is the nature of my spiritual journey and life with God”? I believe that the answers we can discover to this question will be a great help to us in our life-with-God here on earth and beyond. Everyone has a journey, but not everyone pays attention to their journey.
Every journey will have changes and seasons, high points and low points, dark times and good times, and more. If we fail to pay attention to these changes in our journey we risk danger: we may get stuck in one place and fail to keep moving, growing, exploring, enjoying, and moving toward the destination. Another danger is that we may wander off the path and lose our way. Not paying attention to our journey can sometimes lead to unnecessary times of confusion, despair, and darkness.
If our relationship with Jesus is important to us, we will need to desire to live well in it, periodically examining it, paying attention to what is happening in it, and talking to Jesus about it. The Bible, classic Christian writers, and those around us who are ahead of us on the journey have great advice for us, but we will not learn from them if we are not asking questions. Even more important, the Spirit delights to personally guide us on our journey but, again, we must invite Him to teach us about the journey.
In our life on earth we are sure to encounter many things that can distract, disrupt, confuse, and even paralyze us on our journey. God desires that we journey well. He wants us to enjoy our lives here on earth and live abundantly in spite of, and sometimes even because of, the disruptions. This will only happen if we are paying attention to our journey and relationship with God.