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God deeply desires to have a personal and intimate relationship with me.

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God desires our relationship to include conversation, information, emotion, shared experiences, and simply being together.

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God is everywhere, speaking all the time, in different ways. I can learn to hear God in a variety of ways.

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The most important thing in learning to hear God is my sincere desire, not just to hear God, but to participate in a relationship with Him.

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Listening and speaking to Jesus can be easier and more personal than with God the Father.

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As I grow in my relationship with Jesus, what I will most often hear from Him and the Father is how much they love me.

The more time I spend seeking to hear Jesus, the easier it will be to recognize his voice.

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Jesus often speaks to me through my thoughts.

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Satan wants to keep me from hearing Jesus’ voice, from connecting with God, and from living in relationship with them.

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The tone of Jesus’ voice, the way He communicates, is kind, gentle, and affirming.

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I find that imagining the expression on Jesus’ face as He looks at me communicates better than words.

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Satan’s voice is harsh, confusing, disrupting, and distracting, and brings shame and guilt.

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Being alone and undistracted helps me hear Jesus’ voice.

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Practicing disciplines of mindfulness, inner awareness, and meditation, and developing my reflective capacity will help me learn to hear God.

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Scripture helps me to know and recognize Jesus’ voice.

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In the times when I don’t hear Jesus, I’ve learned that He is still with me, loves me, and is inviting me to learn new ways of relating to Him that grow our relationship.

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How, where, and through what means I connect with God may be different from how others connect.

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Sometimes Jesus gives me a single impression that is more than a thousand words could communicate.

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I find that God’s Spirit often speaks by making me aware of things about myself that need healing.

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God’s Spirit speaks to me in my desires, deep longings, and often with little information, only a hunger or thirst.