11. I find that imagining the expression on Jesus’ face as He looks at me communicates better than words.

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(Before looking at the questions below, take a few minutes to think about this statement. Invite Jesus to speak to you about what He would like you to notice.) 

How does the idea of using your imagination to connect with Jesus feel to you?

If you are reluctant, what is your fear or concern?

Try speaking to Jesus about these concerns and see if He addresses them.

Experiment by asking Jesus a question about yourself. Begin with “Jesus, how do you feel about … (me, my life, my work, etc.) Notice if you see His face; notice what His expression communicates even if there are no words.

In addition to tone of voice, our body language communicates much of what we say. But how can we pick up body language cues from Jesus, though, since He no longer walks on earth? Could that be one of the reasons God gave us imaginations? Jesus became one of us, taking on flesh, a human body like ours.

I believe that with our imagination we can receive glimpses of how Jesus feels about us. Using our imagination to hear from Jesus may seem risky or wrong to some people. Others may claim they have no imagination. But I believe that everyone has an imagination and that, with guidelines, using that imagination to hear Jesus can be positive and helpful.

It has been said that if you are capable of worrying (and who isn’t?), then you are able to imagine. Worrying, after all, is simply using our imaginations to invent worst-case scenarios. It is the negative version of using our imaginations to create art, design buildings, solve problems, and so on.

God gave us our imagination. It is a big part of being human. It only makes sense that we would use our imagination in our life with God. So what guidelines should we follow? If what I’m imagining inflates my ego or serves my self-image it is probably not from God. Caution is also advised when imagination plays a role in our exterior life.

When our actions affect others, we should invite confirmation from others on what we have imagined. In our interior life, though, imagining Jesus as a person conversing with us can make Him and His words more real.