17. For me to have a healthy, friendship relationship with Jesus I will need to learn how to connect and communicate with Him.


Talking to Jesus can be difficult since we do not experience Him as a physical person who sees and hears us. How are you learning to connect with Jesus?

Do you sense that your connection with God is growing and getting better?

What do you desire for your communication with God?

What do you think God desires for a connection with you?

No friendship exists without communication. At its core, friendship is a relationship of knowing the other and being known. It satisfies the deepest longing of our souls, a longing to be known, loved, acknowledged, valued, and connected. 

Communication is not limited to words. We communicate with emotion, expression, our presence, and much more. 

The nature of how we speak and listen—both with Jesus and in our human relationships—will change as our relationship grows. In marriage, my wife and I communicated with each other differently early in our marriage than we do now, after 35 years. We use fewer words. We understand expression and emotion without needing as much clarification. We value simply being together. 

A long friendship with Jesus may become less “wordy” as it matures. We will come to have a clearer understanding of Him, be less anxious, and enjoy a greater certainty for His presence.