13. Being alone and undistracted helps me hear Jesus’ voice. 

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(Before looking at the questions below, take a few minutes to think about this statement. Invite Jesus to speak to you about what He would like you to notice.) 

To be alone with Jesus requires that we make time for it. What steps do you, or could you, take to make time to be alone with Jesus?

How does the idea of being alone with Jesus make you feel?

What are some of the obstacles that you will need to overcome to practice silence and solitude with Jesus?

What could you, or Jesus, do to make alone-time more inviting?

Hearing God requires us to silence the distractions that occupy our minds and keep us from hearing God. Our minds are the primary place that we connect with God, so the goal of silence and solitude is to be able to remove the distractions of our minds in order to improve our connection and conversation.

Without silence and solitude—alone time with Jesus—we will struggle to hear Him and struggle even more to participate in an intimate relationship with Him. In Jesus’ day, being alone simply meant finding a place without people. Luke 5:6 tells us that “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Our ability to hear Jesus even in the quiet spaces may take time to develop. In our day, however, we must also find a place in which we leave our devices behind.

The technological world that we live in provides us with unlimited activities to stimulate our minds: cell phones, computers, television, gaming devices, and so on. Since God is not pushy or demanding, He will not force us to turn off our devices—that is our responsibility. We have become so accustomed to having our minds filled and entertained that it can be a real adjustment to be in a quiet space and quiet our minds.

Admittedly not everyone responds to silence and solitude the same. Many people find that they can silence their minds best when they are active. Often, when I lead a retreat I invite people to doodle or work on coloring books, if it helps them focus. Many find this helpful and experience increased ability to focus their minds.

Whatever it takes, we must find a way to engage in private conversations with God.