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The purpose of spiritual communities is to assist Jesus in the process of shaping me into a person who lives in deep and loving relationship with God and others.

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The deep, loving, friendships that I experience in my spiritual community have given me a taste of what I believe heaven will be like.

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My spiritual community is essential for me to develop my relational capacity—my ability to hold healthy and intimate relationships with others and with Jesus.

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Without a spiritual community, I will be limited in my relationship with God.

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My spiritual community is held together by our love for Jesus.

The diversity of its members adds great value and richness to my spiritual community.

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Every spiritual community needs someone, official or unofficial, to guide them toward Jesus.

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In my spiritual community, our love for each other is important in helping me love others outside of our community.

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My spiritual community benefits much from spending longer periods of time together.

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Although I sometimes experience a special feeling when I am with my spiritual community, the feeling is not what makes my community.

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The first spiritual community, the Trinity, is the best example of a spiritual community.

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My spiritual community must be small enough for each person to be able to develop a relationship with each of the others.

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I find that the trust and safety of my spiritual community helps me build self-awareness and experience healing.

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As I experience being loved and accepted “as I am” in my spiritual community, it helps me experience God’s unconditional love for me.

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I have found that participating in a spiritual community forces me to give up things, it is not always easy, and I must often choose to participate because I know it is good for me.

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My spiritual community is essential for my transformation; without it, I would struggle to grow and mature on my journey with Jesus.

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I am coming to understand how Jesus knew that spiritual communities would be the primary way to bring about God’s plan for our world.

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For me to receive the Spirit’s fruit, I must participate in a spiritual community.

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I am beginning to understand how much joy it brings to God when He participates in a spiritual community with us.

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My spiritual community is a cluster of spiritual friendships which have taught me what friendship really is.