2. God created a space for us to share our lives with Him. Jesus refers to this space as the Kingdom of God.

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(Before looking at the questions below, take a few minutes to think about this statement. Invite Jesus to speak to you about what He would like you to notice.) 

Where do you find it easiest to connect with or be aware of God: church, nature, coffee shop, community, etc.?

How do you most easily connect with God: being active, alone and quiet, serving, etc.?

How could you increase your “connectivity” to God? Would you like to connect more? Try talking to Jesus about your desire.

Does the phrase “Kingdom of God” sound inviting to you? Awkward? Something else?

How does the idea that God has created a particular place or space for you to connect with Him make you feel?

For relationships to exist and grow, there must be place or space where connection happens. It is significant to notice that at the origin of humanity, God first created a place that He could share with humanity.

We get a picture of God regularly joining Adam and Eve in the Garden, conversing, sharing, and enjoying their company. After the fall, God continued to work to arrange places of connection. The prime example of this is the Kingdom of Israel where God invited people to join Him and flourish materially, spiritually, and relationally.

When Jesus came to earth, He initiated and announced a new “space” for God and humanity to connect. Jesus called this space “The Kingdom of God.” This new Kingdom that Jesus brought is arranged differently than previous ones. The Garden of Eden and the Kingdom of Israel were places God permitted humanity to rule over. Under human governing, however, each of these suffered demise and became unsuitable as a place for God to meet us.

The Kingdom of God that Jesus brought is a space that God has say over; it can never be ruined, and it will forever be a space that God can share with those who desire to join Him. It is in this Kingdom space that we connect with God, share our lives with Him, and participate in a growing and loving relationship with Him.