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God’s intent in creating me was to share an abundant life and intimate relationship with me.

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God created a space for us to share our lives with Him. Jesus refers to this space as the Kingdom of God.

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I experience the Kingdom of God as a spiritual space.

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Although the Kingdom of God is not a physical place, it is just as real as something material.

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To notice and experience the Kingdom of God I must invite God to birth in me a spiritual awareness.

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This Kingdom life, this interactive life with God, is available to me now, today.

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Jesus’ life, teaching, death on the cross, and resurrection eliminated anything that might keep me from participating in His Kingdom.

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God has invited me to enter and participate in His Kingdom, but I must choose to; God will not force me.

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Participating in the Kingdom with Jesus brings me great joy and abundance.

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As I participate in God’s Kingdom, I will naturally become more like Jesus, taking on His character.

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Although God is King of His Kingdom, His authority is unlike any human authority; He never forces or manipulates me, and His leadership is always for my good.

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God’s guidelines (rules) for His Kingdom are intended to provide me with the greatest abundance and to help me live well with others, with creation, and with Him.

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The guidelines of the Kingdom are often different from, even opposite of, the rules my world or culture uses.

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The more I grow to reflect, to notice my deeper thoughts and feelings, to be less focused on my external life, the more I will experience the abundance of the Kingdom.

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The more childlike I become—vulnerable, playful, trusting, imaginative, etc.—the easier it will be for me to participate in God’s Kingdom.

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As I grow and mature spiritually, emotionally, and relationally, I will experience and enjoy God’s Kingdom more.

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God’s Kingdom, though spiritual, will have a profound effect on the material world around me and the body that I live in.

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God invites me to help grow and develop His Kingdom.

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Everyone is welcome in God’s Kingdom.

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The Kingdom of God is best described as a party, a dance, a celebration, or a feast that God has invited me to share with Him and others.