Jesus’ primary call is for me to connect with him in a meaningful way.
Jesus calls me to work with him so that I will take on his character and values.
Besides connecting with him and becoming like him, Jesus calls me to create good things with him.
God is more than capable of achieving His plan for the universe without my help.
God loves “Sabbath” and desires that my work is ordered around rest.
The nature of my work does not make it, or me, holy.
Working with Jesus is not the same as working for Jesus.
Jesus is happy to take responsibility for the outcomes of our shared work.
Jesus’ primary purpose in our shared work is to be able to enjoy a deepening relationship with me.
Jesus desires to work with me but he is happy to let me choose the vocation and the location.
The diseases of my soul can cause me to work in ways that are unhealthy.
The world says, “You are what you do” but I believe my identity is found in my relationship to Jesus.
When I work with Jesus, it often deepens my relationship with others.
When I work on my own, I often manipulate people and outcomes.
Work is not hard when I work with Jesus.
My “telos,” the ultimate purpose for which I live, is critical in ordering my work.
My spiritual community is an important part of my work with Jesus.
Tithing helps me have a healthy attitude about my work.
My vocation, calling, may not be how I make a living.
My vocation will never fully meet my need for meaning and value in life.