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The topics explored in this web page are intended to help you in your walk with God. They do not pretend to explain theological truths or expound on Scripture passages; they are truths that apply to how we connect with God, live our lives with God, and develop a deep relationship with God. The key is the relationship. There are commentaries that explain the meaning of Scripture, there are books, podcasts, and other resources that help us come to know about God, God’s ways, and ourselves, and recently there have been classes, seminars, and other materials designed to help us in our process of transformation. Many of these can be good and of great benefit to us, but they don’t necessarily teach us how to participate in a loving relationship with God.

God is relational. God created us so that He could participate in a loving relationship with us. That is what God desires. At the end of my life I will be left with the relationship that God and I have developed together. It will not be about what I have accomplished or what I have become. It is possible to do great things for God without walking with Him or participating in a loving relationship with Him. And I can work at disciplining myself and conforming my character to that of Christ yet not abide with Him or enjoy a reciprocally loving relationship with Him. On the other hand, if I give myself to participating in an ongoing relationship with Jesus, I will naturally become like Him, and I will spontaneously do things with Him that assist His kingdom and bring glory to God. The key, then, is to notice, pay attention, and give effort to the relationship that is developing between myself and God.

We build relationships with God the same basic way we build them with other people. Relationship is the space between two persons—whether that is human-to-human, or human-to-God. My natural tendency is to focus my attention and effort on either myself or on God, but not the space or relationship between us. I focus my attention on God when I study to know Him, work to please Him, and petition for something from Him. None of these are wrong, but none are enough. I put the spotlight on myself when I work at becoming something for God, or when I focus on what I am doing for God. These efforts may please Him, but they are not enough. On the other hand, if I focus the energy of my heart, mind, and body on noticing the relationship that is emerging and developing between myself and God, the other good things will happen naturally.

Walking with God is a journey, resulting, typically, in growth on our part. But the journey is not usually a straight path. Often it includes many twists and turns, seasons, and changes, as anyone who has journeyed with God for a while is likely to tell you.

The topics and statements included on this web page will probably connect best with those who have journeyed with God for some time. But being farther along on the journey does not mean accumulating lots of information about God, the Bible, and so on. It does not require us to be intellectuals or “thinkers.” It may not even mean having a passion for doing things for God. “Farther on the journey” has to do with simplicity, surrender, and obedience to what Jesus teaches us. Jesus invites us to become childlike in order to enter His Kingdom and participate in the abundant life. With this in mind, the statements under each topic are written simply to bring out simple truths. They use mostly first-person language so you can find yourself in the idea.

The format is intended to help guide you into this deeper relationship with God. Each of the eleven topics is structured the same way. After the topic title, you’ll find 15-20 short “Guiding Statements” that describe one particular truth about our relationship with God. (These statements are best explored in a group setting with an experienced facilitator or spiritual director.) The point is not for you to simply learn and agree with the statement; the goal is for you to think about the statement, wrestle with it, and talk to God about it. Ultimately my prayer is that you would hear Jesus speaking to you, teaching you, and guiding you through your exploration of these statements.

“Further Reflection” questions are provided for each Guiding Statement. These are meant to help you reflect on the statements. You may wish to consider the Guiding Statements individually, one at a time. Feel free to take one statement and reflect on if for several days, or even more if you feel led. Ask yourself if this statement is true about your relationship with God or is at least becoming true. Following the reflection questions for each Guiding Statement is a paragraph that explains the key idea of the statement. I recommend that you wait to read the explanation paragraph until after you have wrestled with the questions and the statements themselves.

Most of the topics and statements originate out of readily available resources that you might find helpful. The core resources and brief descriptions are given below. As you begin the process of reflecting on each topic, you might find helpful to immerse yourself in these recommended resources.