7. Jesus came as God in the flesh so that I could have a better image of God.


What characteristics do you see in Jesus that might reflect how God is?

What stories or statements does Jesus make that help you form an image of God?

What do you sense Jesus saying to you now about how He would like you to imagine God, and Himself (Jesus)?

How is your relationship with Jesus different than the way you relate with your most intimate and favorite people?

Can you imagine having a deeper, closer relationship with Jesus? What would be different?

The Christian faith is unique in its belief that God joined humanity as a human, in the person of Jesus. Jesus’ life and death on the cross is foundational for any relationship we have with God. But Jesus also provided us, and the gospels continue to provide us, with a picture of who God is, how God acts, and what a relationship with God could look like. 

Jesus showed us how to live our lives on earth and live in relationship with God. Furthermore, Jesus promises us that He will guide us into this relationship with God, guide us on our journey of life, and walk with us on every step of our journey of life. 

To know God then, we will need to look into the eyes of Jesus and learn to know Jesus. The image of the God we find in the Old Testament is loving, providing, guiding, protecting, judging, and so on. But He did not walk and talk with people every day in the same way Jesus did. In the New Testament, we find Jesus, being interactive, personal, conversational, and, especially, relational. 

The God of both Testaments is spirit. But the God brought to us in Jesus also had a body like we do. He is someone we can identify with, connect with on a human level, and share life with. As we grow to participate in a healthy relationship with Jesus, He introduces us to the Father who loves us and desires to join this relationship.