4. How I perceive God and what I believe God thinks about me, is the most important thing about me.

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You just learned that each of us carries an image of God, whether we are conscious of it or not.

What does your image of God say about you?

How confident are you that your image of God is correct?

What does your relationship with God tell you about your image of God?

How could your image of God reflect a more loving God?

How could you let God help you shape your image of Him?

There is simply nothing more important than our thoughts and ideas about God. Every action, every thought, every desire, every feeling, every response in some way reflects what we think about God. 

Our thoughts about God reflect how we answer important questions such as: Does God exist? Is God inside me? Is God part of me? Am I working for God? Does God control every outcome? Does God speak to me? 

Even if we are unaware of these questions, our thoughts about God create the landscape on which every part of our life plays out. They are the starting point and foundation for how we choose to live. 

The question to consider then is, if my image of God is so important to how I live and experience life, am I paying attention, noticing, and reflecting on what my thoughts of God really are?