20. God really, really, really likes me.


Are you satisfied with yourself, the real you?

Do you feel like God likes you?

Or do you feel like God loves you because He has to, even if He doesn’t actually like you?

How would it feel to experience a God who truly delights in you and thinks you are amazing?

What do you sense God saying to you about this?

Many people in our culture today do not really like themselves. Deep inside, we may worry that we are not enough. Women may struggle with a sense of self-hatred. Men, with their drive to achieve and impress, may reveal an underlying lack of self-worth. 

In this culture that creates feelings of worthlessness, it is difficult to imagine that God really likes us and is content with us—just as we are. God’s real and unchanging delight in us may be the most difficult thing for us to imagine. 

As we grow to encounter this God who really likes us, this image will create a safe and desirable space to relate to God. It will begin to heal our wounded images of ourselves. Nothing is more needed and valuable to us today.