16. For me to have a healthy, friendship relationship with Jesus I will need to value relationships in all areas of my life.


Reflect on your “relational capacity.” Are you satisfied with your ability to hold deep and intimate friendships with others?

Do you feel like you are receiving all the love and companionship you desire?

What changes could you make that would allow you to receive more love?

How prepared do you feel to participate in a relationship with Jesus?

What invitation do you sense that Jesus is giving you?

What is true about a person in one aspect of their life will likely be true about that person in every aspect of their life. If a person does not value human relationships and connection—if he or she does not spend time with people and get to know them—that person will most likely struggle to have a healthy and intimate relationship with Jesus. 

My relationship with others is the laboratory for learning how to enjoy a deep friendship with God. My “relational capacity” will be the same with Jesus as it is with my human friends. Without friendships with people, I will fail to be friends with God, even if I desire that friendship. 

Every person needs healing from emotional diseases, wounds, and brokenness. Healing happens as we practice relational health with others and with God. If we avoid others because of our brokenness, we are likely also to avoid God. 

Only when we value relationships both for the healing and joy they bring to ourselves and for the benefits they bring to others, will we desire to participate in a relationship with God.