15. For me to have a healthy, friendship relationship with Jesus, I will need to grow my relational capacity.

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Relational capacity includes not only the number of relationships we have but the quality of those relationships. How would you evaluate your relational capacity?

What do you desire with regard to your relational capacity?

How could Jesus help you with this desire?

Our physical capacity reaches its full potential and maturity in our twenties, and then begins to decline. Our relational capacity, on the other hand, grows and increases throughout our lifetime. 

Our relational capacity is only beginning to develop when our physical capacity is at its fullest. This was a significant realization for me. I lived much of my adult life thinking that, since I had become an adult physically, I must also have become fully developed relationally. I’ve since discovered that this was not true. 

Relational capacity, one’s ability to hold deep, intimate, healthy, mature, and differentiated relationships, to love others with a selfless love, to desire others and desire being with others, is something that grows slowly in us. Our relational capacity can grow if we choose to intentionally develop it. 

As our relational capacity grows with others, we also have a greater capacity to hold a friendship relationship with God.